Thursday, December 18, 2008

Feedback for Practical

Extremely effective use of hand drawn titles with childlike pictures. The flickering effect applied to these is also very effective. The titles are the strongest aspect of the sequence as the framing of the swing shots could have been better. In your next project try to really consider mise-en-scene and how it ctreates meaning. Well done.


This is an example of our title. In order to make this we used Photoshop, we found that the font types that were available were not suitable for our thriller, therefore we created our own.

Production meeting

We have now uploaded our final thriller title sequence, many alterations were put into place. The alterations occurred because we frequently had different ideas, also some of our ideas e.g. the man running we were unable to film because of lack of time with the camera and unable to find an actor for this.
Instead of using this man we decided to have a scene in which we had not put into our animatic, this was the clip of a person using the search engine Google searching the name 'Sophie Robinson'. We used this at the beginning in order to introduce the idea of a missing person and create an emotion of curiosity within the viewer to wonder who and why the girl is missing. We then created a bad TV effect with the computer screen to bring uneasiness to the audience.
The soundtrack we used is the same as the one we used for our animatic, however we changed the Music-box sound to the start of the scene and put the music we made in Garageband in the end. Yet, we feel as though the music fitted in well with our animatic but when we put it into our thriller it did not seem to fit and perhaps lacked continuity. We felt that the Music-box fitted well into the thriller more than the Garageband music at it related to the character as she was a child and it also gave an eery feel conventional with a thriller.
In comparison to our rough-cut of the thriller sequence,we felt we improved the sequence quite a bit. The sequence contained more titles in which we added child-like drawing to accompany the child-like writing. The titles and pictures related to the child character and added an eery feel instead of a happy feel, as we made sure the titles flashed quickly we were able hopefully to convey this intended feeling.
The final sequence in comparison to the rough-cut differed also as the shots of the child were in slow motion this shows distortion in some form in the shot, which conveys to the audience that something is not entirely right within the situation and this could accentuate danger for the character and potentially within the rest of the film.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Finished Kidnap.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Film Title for our Thiller Title Sequence


We named our thriller title sequence 'Kidnap' because it explains what happens in the film as the child is snatched from the park by an unknown kidnapper.

The title and all the other credits are in a child type font that we made in photo shop ourselves this brings a more erry effect.


Research on park location

We filmed part of our thriller sequence in a park in Ely.
Here are photos of different parks in other areas to show the different play equipment available and to see all different types of play areas.
Playgrounds are colourful and bright because children like bright colours and normally children are seen as safe in a playground as their guardian's are there to protect them but in our thriller opening sequence that security has been taken away and this is typical in a normal thriller film.


Monday, December 15, 2008

rough cut

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Photos from filming. Location and Characters

This Photo is of the character Sophie Robinson who gets kidnapped by an unknown character. This photo will also be in the missing poster we are making for our title sequence.
Her clothing is typical for a little girl floaty and girly.


Feedback for our Animatic.

We got some very good positive feedback for our animatic sequence.
Most people said that they liked our soundtrack and said it gave an eery atmosphere.
Some people said it put the spectator on the edge of their seats.

Others thought the bit near the end was too quick. Others however disagreed that it was a good effect for our thriller title sequence.



ROUGH CUT Deadline w/c 8th December.
FINAL CUT Deadline w/c 15th December.
